Fat Kid Official Server IP: - Connect
If you are a skinny kid:
- You must flee from the fat kid. Luckily, he doesn't move very fast.
- Break down barricades to access better weapons and distance yourself from the fat kid.
- Eventually, you must stop and face the fat kid. He will die under heavy, prolonged gunfire.
- If you can survive until the round ends, you win!
- If you are eaten by the fat kid, you become a SKELETON!
If you are a skeleton:
- You are a minion of the fat kid. You must help him exterminate the skinny kids.
- You move fast, but die easily. Use your speed to run down and kill your former classmates.
- If you're a skeleton, you've already lost.
If you are the fat kid:
- You're slow, but tough to kill. Keep moving forward and eventually the skinny kids will be cornered.
- Use your ground slam ability (right click) to stun nearby skinny kids, making them easier to catch.
- Left click on a skinny kid to EAT them and turn them into a skeleton. Skeletons will help you a lot.
- If you and your skeletons manage to kill all of the skinny kids before the time runs out, you win!
- Throw dodgeballs at the fat kid to knock him back, or throw them at a skeleton to kill it.
- As a skinny kid your survival depends on being able to get around the fat kid at the beginning of the game.
- As a skeleton, look for vents and other special passages which can be used to flank and ambush the survivors.
- If you're the fat kid, eat players to regain health. Use corners and dark areas to trick kids into getting too close, then use ground slam to trap them before eating them.
Please don't use hacks on our server or exploit the map.
Micspam is allowed; you may mute micspammers by holding TAB and clicking the mute icon by their name.

Joker Gaming
This page is available to view out of game at swamp.sv/infection